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Saving and Planning

  • 5 Benefits of Utilizing the 529 Plan

    | Saving and Planning

    Looking for ways to help your children achieve their educational dreams?  Although higher education is priceless, it sometimes comes with a little sticker shock.

  • Mom teaching about finances

    Fun Activities to Teach Kids How to Save

    | Saving and Planning

    As we all evolve to the new “norm”, some of us are balancing working from home, homeschooling our kiddos, and managing a household. Luckily, we have some fun activities to do with your children while educating them about money management.

  • couple dancing in kitchen

    10 Affordable Date Night Ideas

    | Saving and Planning

    Who says love doesn't cost a thing? It’s no secret that date night can get expensive and repetitive. While “dinner and a movie” is usually the go-to date for most couples, the costs can quickly add up and those options aren’t always available.

  • Five Money-Smart Resolutions You Should Make This Year

    | Saving and Planning

    Many people use the new year as a chance for a fresh start. When it comes to your finances, this is the perfect opportunity to think about changes to your current financial habits. If you’ve struggled to increase your savings or spend less, start the year right with these tips.

  • Family deciding whether to remodel or move

    Deciding Whether To Remodel Or Move [A Guide]

    | Saving and Planning

    Owning a home is a huge asset. But, as your family grows, your house does not grow alongside it. Perhaps you are running out of bedrooms, need an extra bath, or valuable square footage has been designated for years as a catch-all storage space, and now you need it back! When your living space no longer works for your family, it may be time to consider a change.

  • Income for Life: Guaranteeing Retirement Income to Last a Lifetime

    | Saving and Planning

    No matter what your retirement goals, an important part of the road ahead is ensuring a steady stream of income.

  • how to weather a bear market

    How to Make Good Investment Decisions: Up-Down-Bear-Bull

    | Saving and Planning

    You may have heard about the stock market dropping and being in a “bear market”, but what is a bear market? What’s the difference between a bull market and a bear market? How does this affect you?

  • What to do if your income is reduced

    What To Do If Your Income Is Reduced

    | Saving and Planning

    Making ends meet paycheck-to-paycheck can be stressful in itself. But what happens in times of financial crisis - like a nation-wide pandemic, or an economic recession? Taking a closer look at your finances, and creating an actionable spending plan can help you survive (and recover from) unforeseen financial hardship. 

  • Five Easy Ways to Cut Expenses

    Five Easy Ways to Cut Monthly Expenses

    | Saving and Planning

    Ever notice how your monthly expenses always seem to equal whatever salary you’re making, even after you get raises? Here are a few things you can do right now to cut your monthly expenses.

  • couple home approval

    How To Apply For A Home Loan And Get Approved

    | Saving and Planning

    Applying for a home loan is one thing. Getting approved is another entirely. 

    Whether you’re a first-time home buyer or you’ve taken out multiple home loans, it’s good to familiarize yourself (or refresh your memory) with the process of how to apply for a home loan and get approved. 

  • affordable vacation ideas

    Affordable Vacation Ideas

    | Saving and Planning

    Get a little rest and relaxation, even if you have a tight budget, with these fun and cheap vacation ideas.

  • best home loans for first time buyers

    The 5 Best Home Loans For First Time Buyers

    | Saving and Planning

    Purchasing your first home is exciting. It's a rite of passage that most adults look forward to at some point in their lives.  

    As you're going through the process, there are several variables to consider. Along with picking a great realtor to help you find the ideal house in your price point, you have to make sure to choose a loan that works for your finances.  

  • father grandfather son highfive

    The Benefits of a Share Certificate

    | Saving and Planning

    A share certificate account is similar to a certificate of deposit (CD), but it is issued by a credit union, rather than a bank. If you’re looking for earnings on your savings, a Chartway share certificate is a beneficial option to grow your savings.

  • friends swimming jumping off pier

    10 Easy Ways to Make Your Summer More Affordable

    | Saving and Planning

    Is your wallet feeling the heat this summer? We’re here to help make your summer more affordable with a few simple tips.

  • mother with kid in window

    Nine Ways to Teach Kids Finances

    | Saving and Planning

    It’s never too early to introduce or reinforce positive financial habits for your kids. Set them up for a life of smart money management with simple money management concepts.

  • Couple Making a Budget

    Saving is Your Key to Success

    | Saving and Planning

    You have wants and you have needs. Saving is your key to successfully managing your money and reaching your goals.

  • Father and son prepping food

    Thirteen Tips for a Financially Healthy Family

    | Saving and Planning

    Use this checklist as a simple guide to start taking strides towards creating your financially healthy family. Start today with tip #1. If you're in need of financial advice or just have questions about saving, our Chartway team is here to help make your life more affordable.

  • African American Man walking with his son

    CDs vs. Share Certificates: what’s the difference (and why should you care?)

    | Saving and Planning

    If you’re shopping around for financial products, you may have come across two similar things with different names: Certificates of Deposit (CDs) and Share Certificates. The latter is a product offered by credit unions like, Chartway. At a Chartway, you earn dividends on your money. Click here to learn how you can start earning more today.

  • Family carving pumpkins

    Three fun (and affordable) activities you can only do in fall

    | Saving and Planning

    The cooler temperatures help you shake the summer heat, and more importantly, the plethora of seasonal activities provide relief for your wallet. Indeed, autumn is packed with opportunities for having fun on a budget. Check out three activities that you can do on a budget.

  • Kids getting on school bus

    Save on school expenses (without sacrificing your child’s school experience)

    | Saving and Planning

    School has started, but as any parent knows, the cost of your child’s education doesn’t stop at new clothes and supplies. From extracurricular to field trips and more, education can get pricey — but it doesn’t have to. Check out these tips to giving your child a quality educational and social experience at school — without breaking the bank.

  • young woman looking at papers in front of her laptop

    Make Budgeting Stress Free

    | Saving and Planning

    Does the thought of making a budget give you anxiety? Don’t stress. With a realistic budget, you can put yourself in a stronger financial situation.

  • woman at table writing in planner

    How to Find Out Where Your Money Goes

    | Saving and Planning

    Now’s the perfect time to take a look at your spending habits over the past 12 months to see if you can make changes to make your money go further.